Critical Illness Insurance An Easy Solution in Hard Times

critical illness insurance ,easy solution ,health insurance

A wise person always saves for the rainy day! But at times your savings might just not be enough if suddenly you or your dear ones are diagnosed with any critical illness. In that case, you will have to shell out every single penny of yours to meet the treatment expenses. No doubt, that would be a testing time for you but it would also pose a difficulty in managing your other financial expenses. To reduce the hefty burden in time of emergency, the best decision is taking critical illness insurance cover for yourself and your family members. The Critical Illness Insurance would come to your rescue in paying hospitalization expenses and also the lump sum money received towards recoup would help you fulfill your other financial liabilities with ease.

Coverage extent provided if I go for critical illness insurance

Keeping your financial position in mind you can take a critical illness insurance cover up to the extent of Rs 2 lac, 3 lac, 5 lac or even more. You can buy critical illness insurance plan either as a benefit cover where you get treatment and hospitalization covered by your health insurance provider for the coverage amount or as a lump sum benefit cover where you are entitled to receive the complete amount on diagnosis of a critical illness as per the plan taken.

Do I require Critical Illness Insurance if I already have a Medical Insurance?

It is advisable to have critical illness insurance if your medical insurance policy does not have critical illness coverage. The medical expenses towards critical illness are very high and even after meeting your hospitalization expenses money would be required for post illness treatment/recovery. If you take critical illness insurance you would receive lump sum money for recovery post treatment which you won’t be entitled to receive in case of medical insurance policy. You can take Critical Illness Insurance coverage as a stand- alone product or you can also take a rider of Critical Illness Insurance Coverage in your existing medical policy by paying some additional premium.

What are the benefits of Critical Illness Insurance?
• Cashless inpatient treatment
• Lump sum compensation up to sum insured till the survival period as mentioned in your plan
• Easy settlement and claim process
• Renewal provision for lifetime
• Tax Benefit under Section 80(D)
• 24x7 health care assistance over phones to get any information

Remember, critical illness insurance would relieve you of your financial burden to a great extent in case misfortune strikes you. As there is a saying “Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst”, so it is time to think and take the first step to fulfill your family needs!