Tips To Lower Car Insurance Premiums

how to lower car insurance premium ,tips to lower car insurance premium
Given the fact that the economy is still struggling to improve, it has seldom been more important to ensure that you get the best deal possible on your car insurance premiums. This article is designed to show you the best ways of doing this.
  • Shop Around
This is the one piece of advice that any article on reducing your car insurance premium will undoubtedly give. Many insurance companies will offer lower premiums to new customers, and thanks to the internet these deals have seldom been easier to discover. So when your car insurance renewal arrives, don't just accept the amount quoted. Do your research, and make certain that you are on the best tariff for your needs.
  • Study Your Policy
This goes hand in hand with the above point. There are several possibilities for saving money on your car insurance if you take a closer look at the clauses contained within it. One of the biggest ways of saving money is by paying the full year's car insurance premiums in one go, as it is invariably the case that paying in installments is far more expensive than paying the yearly sum in one hit.

Another way of possibly reducing your car insurance premiums is to look into whether or not your insurance company offers lower premiums for restricting mileage. If you choose to do this, you need to take care not to go over the mileage limits, however. If you do, and then you need to make a claim, you may find yourself in trouble when it comes to making the claim.
  • Nurture Your Discount
The no-claims discount that most car insurance companies offer is easily the biggest one-hit way of saving money on your car insurance premiums from companies such as Of course, it is not always possible to avoid accidents entirely, but most insurance companies will allow you to keep the no-claims discount should you be in an accident where it is clear that you are not at fault. It is important when you are looking at taking up a new policy to double check the rules around this, because losing the no-claims discount can increase what you are paying by up to 75%.

Some companies will offer a slightly higher premium so that it is possible to make one or two claims in the year without losing your no claim bonus, and if you think that you are in an area which makes the need for a claim more likely, paying a little extra to keep the no claims bonus intact can be a very good idea.
  • Look at Your Security
This is one of the most commonly overlooked ways to save money on your car insurance premiums. If you keep your car in a locked garage overnight and in a secure car park during the day, let your insurance company know. Insurance companies look at the areas you leave the car in, and will usually charge extra if you are leaving your car in an area where theft or criminal damage is more likely. Lowering the risks by taking sensible precautions can significantly reduce the costs of your premiums.