Health Insurance Claims A Hassle Free Procedure

health insurance ,hassle free procedure

Health care policy ensures creating a contingency financial plan in case of any medical emergency thus, reducing the financial burden. If the hospitalization occurs in a network hospital then cashless hospitalization facility can be availed. But what if, the hospitalization occurs in non- coverage hospital? This question generally occurs in the minds of all the people who opt for health insurance. Definitely you can avail health insurance claims in such a scenario otherwise the purpose of health care policy is defeated! It is always advisable to go in for a network hospital is you are planning to undergo some treatment that is covered in your health insurance. But if some emergency occurs at the eleventh hour and you rush to some hospital which is a non-network hospital your mediclaim policy generally entitles you settle health insurance claims to the extent of your coverage limit.

Availing Hassle free Health Insurance Claims

To ensure that your health insurance claims are hassle fee just remember the following:

• Immediately intimate your health care provider through email or toll free number
• Provide the patient’s details such as
ID card number,
Hospital name and address,
Treatment details
Name of the doctor
Contact details of the doctor
Date of admission
Expected date of discharge
Treatment summary
Approximate hospitalization expenses

• Retain all the bills in original
• Retain the discharge summary
• Attach a copy of all the treatment related documents for health insurance claims
• Providing all the documents to your health care provider in stipulated time
In case of accidents, you need to provide some additional information:
• Venue, time and date of accident
• A brief description of how the accident took place
• A copy of FIR
• The details of the policy station in which FIR is files
• Details of the person helped the insured in hospitalization

Reasons of rejection of health insurance claims

Sometimes the health insurance claims are rejected by the health care insurance companies and people generally tag the provider as good or bad on basis of the acceptance or the rejection of the claims without even analyzing the reasons behind it. The insurance companies are bound to reject the claims if the documents are not found valid. Many people try to reimburse the health insurance claims by providing the fake documents. This can result in you getting blacklisted by all the health insurance service providers. Also, at times there are lapses in submitting the required documents essential for health insurance claims.

Take as much time as required to choose the health insurance provider who provides a comprehensive policy that caters to all your health related needs. But remember, to avail the best of your mediclaim policy present all the details and documents to your service provider well in time to enjoy your benefits.