How Life Insurance Matters to You

Life insurance is much more than a mere necessity – it is a need that is basic to life. So, if you are still haunted by the possible consequences of the many uncertainties of life, do your family and yourself a favour – buy life insurance.

One of the key pursuits of mankind since time immemorial has been the tool that would reward him with success over uncertainty. And there has not been much to his rescue, where nature has always taken an upper hand and proved time and again that immortality is very much beyond human reach. When you know not what lies around the corner, the last resort has always been protection that insures in the event of utmost uncertainty – and that is what life insurance is, coming to your rescue when everything else might seem to be failing despite advances in technology and intelligence.

What is life insurance? In simple terms, when you do not know what the next day would bring forth, insurance is a handy, easy, affordable and accessible tool that would ensure that your responsibilities towards your family, near and dear, are discharged to perfection. If you are not sure what it may take to carry your family home when uncertainty strikes, if you are concerned about what it would be to remove the primary breadwinner from your family, investment in insurance policy is all it takes to get the answer that would bring solace to your concerns, and safety to your family.

Life planning is critical. However, it is surprising how many would not think twice about investing their cars or homes, but would hesitate when it comes to insurance of their own life. For instance, it may not be possible to run a family when the salary of the breadwinner is taken away for 2 to 3 months at a stretch. There are bills to pay, mortgages to service, dreams to be fulfilled, and ambitions to be realised. It is no wonder, then, that life insurance is nothing but life planning – when the very life of individuals and families is at stake.

For the uninsured and the under-insured: It is a further matter of concern, apart from the sheer uncertainty of the course of life, that while many Indians are uninsured, there is a significant majority of people who are still under-insured. In other words, what is life insurance when it cannot cover the rising costs, the towering inflation, and the burgeoning pressures on the contemporary family in a fast-changing world of technical and technological advances?

Education, healthcare, travel, and lifestyle are some of the basic needs of life that cannot be compromised on. And it would virtually be beyond imagination as to what the consequences would be, if the main earner of the family were to pass away or be injured and rendered unable to work. Life insurance is much more than a mere necessity – it is a need that is basic to life.

So, if you are still haunted by the possible consequences of the many uncertainties of life, do your family and yourself a favour – buy life insurance.