Medical Insurance Plans For Everyone

medical insurance plans

Health is the best investment. Many of you would agree with this statement. Considering the sedentary lifestyle today and deteriorating environmental conditions the ailments are quite on a rise irrespective of any age group. Heart related problems which were generally associated with people above 50yrs of age are now ubiquitous in early 30s too. The need of the hour is to invest wisely in medical insurance plans that would come to your rescue in case of any unforeseen medical urgency. The cost of treatment today may cost you fortune making you handicapped in meeting your other financial responsibilities such as paying EMIs of house/car or school fees of children. The solution lies in your hand. You just need to pick the medical insurance plan that would share your financial burden in the crisis and also help you maintain your lifestyle.

What all is covered in medical insurance plan?
A comprehensive medical insurance plan is one which covers the cost of inpatient treatment, day care treatment expenses and critical illness up to the extent of the coverage taken. If your medical insurance plan has the rider of critical illness coverage the premium would be a bit high but visibly low as compared to the expenses incurred in case of any critical illness.

Would I be entitled to cashless treatment if I take medical insurance plan?
The major concern at the time of crisis is arranging finance. Keeping this in mind the health insurance providers give the facility of cashless treatment in their network hospital. The network hospital is the one which has a tie up with your health care provider and all the bills are settled by your insurance provider directly. At the time of admission you just need to show your healthcare card and inform your Third Party Administrator (TPA) about your hospitalization. Rest is taken care by your health provider.

What if the hospital is not on network coverage? Would my insurance claims be processed?
You can apply for reimbursements if the hospital is not on network coverage. Your health care provider would initiate your insurance claim process once you submit all the documents related to the treatment underwent in the given time frame to the extent of your coverage as per your medical insurance plan.

Is the insurance claim process cumbersome in case of reimbursement?
The reimbursement process to settle insurance claim is generally hassle free. You just need to take note of all the documents demanded by your provider and submit them timely to enjoy smooth insurance claim process. The reimbursement generally takes 3 months of time period.

Opting for medical insurance plan timely at an appropriate age would invite lower premium and also help you plan your future liabilities in a secure manner.